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Dim Mak .. The touch of death

Dim Mak translates to "manipulation of points" or "manipulation of the arteries."  The pronunciation of dim mak is an En...

Efective Defense against knife

At present, there are many styles to train defense against knife attacks, whether modern or ancient styles styles.

It is clear that many of the techniques used are effective, as were demonstrated with the passage of time, but were executed by great masters, who spent 8 to 10 hours to train them, because they knew that later, their lives really are They would be endangered. Not like today, they train a few hours, as a hobby, and top with more banter than formerly, when you could not even talk in class.

With this in mind, I will invite you to try your technique, someone armed with a pen and not a partner, but a similarly bloody or colleague. Then, between the two counting jugaros daubs and lunch was held a pen, not a knife ...

The lunge attack is the most difficult to defend, so do not tonteéis much to have gone pushing up daisies or in the cemetery.

Many speak of taking the armed hand when you throw the blow, but ...
Do you really believe being able to hold her hand to a fighter who will launch a direct?

I miss a lot ... but also you add the danger of carrying a knife in hand, on the street, against a person who you do not know and does not care kill not, because like all pretty complicated.

In the gym and improve, but in a real situation, be aware of what you are going to do and think whether it is worth. One thing is that you want to stab and have to respond as, and another is that you indicate with the knife to steal ...

I would firsthand four golden rules for a real situation (and I'm full of cuts everywhere, but I can tell):

The distance 1: Always try to keep your distance.
In the melee with an armed person, this "will go in and give him a punch in the face" is very good, but possibly when you do have the knife in nailing stomach, and if not, I'm glad you worked, but I would not try if you do not have the same luck ...

2nd Displacement: although there are many angles to move, I always recommend the same. The first movement has to be 45 but retreating, always on the external side of the attacking arm. That is, if you attack with your right hand you have to move back and at an angle of 45 degrees to your left (and if it is with the other hand the contrary) to be left out of the angle of attack and prevent you can hit with the other hand ... something that many forget.

The reason that the first move is back is very simple. Under stress, a knife attack, the body blocks, coming back, take the first contact with the aggressor and unlock the body. Go to the serious internal suicide, unless you ayas had so many similar problems in the street so that your body is not being attacked by inmute weapon.

3 The offender is not the holder of the knife, but the knife itself: so you should not fight with the carrier, but the carrier with knife hand, which, in its greatest extent be more vulnerable, both wrist and elbow.

4th Use whatever you have at your fingertips: In order to do the most damage, both wrist and the forearm, elbow, biceps and triceps.

Use what you have at your fingertips, anything, whether keys, mobile, pen, bottle of water ... etc, and you will do damage and have more chances of winning, or at least safely out of the situation as you get a chance: You better tell that brave dead live coward.

Well, then this knowledge see the environment, analyze it, make anything, such as some keys in the right hand and the left hand bundled as a shield jacket, avoid cuts to arteries, such as inside of the wrists ... and above all, do nothing if you are not sure.


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