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Dim Mak .. The touch of death

Dim Mak translates to "manipulation of points" or "manipulation of the arteries."  The pronunciation of dim mak is an En...

Martial Arts vs Self Defense

Martial Arts vs Self Defense

Is it the same Self Defense & Martial Arts?

No. Although the two concepts are linked and have common roots (Marcial from Mars the god of war), now their focus and execution are really different. On one the one hand, the martial arts are seen as a sport where the goal is self-discipline, strengthening the body, within a style or system proposed bouts agreed "fixed" in ideal conditions, with many rules and a referee whose purpose is to enforce these rules to protect contenders. Certainly we are not against or denigrate the sport and its noble objectives. Faithful Guardian in our trainers and consultants actively participated or currently practice martial arts to keep good reflexes, mobility and health in addition to our focal activity is pure and Defense.

Another element of martial arts that distinguish modern self defense is that, first, apply complex motor skills (fine forceps etc.) to address the solution of specific attacks with specific tools or tactics. In reality, clashes or violent conflicts are verbally and physically chaos, this means that there is no order, rules besides extreme violence. A criminal will not tell them when and where, and with what tactics will begin its attack or ambush.

The practice of Martial Arts will teach humility, respect and use outside the dojo or study is only for extreme cases. This is fine, but really, how this discipline is practiced far from reality and that's why I write about these differences to make available information that enables a vision based on over 27 years of experience the area of ​​security and self-defense, with the sole intention that you are safer and take assertive decisions when selecting their options when choosing a proposal for preparation for protection.


Opposite to the above cited self-defense and reality-based, training proposed as in the case of Tony Blauer SPEAR System (www.tonyblauer.com), engage in tactical responses that use gross motor skills (primary movements) simple but very strong, that: a) are easy to learn and b) which by their nature are intuitive and easy to maintain over time. Example: Trying to defend or intercept in the air onslaught hook (gross motor movement), which was launched against him by surprise at high speed, with a complex motor skill, in addition to difficult, very dangerous. You are likely to impact 75% of attempts. However, given the same attack, if I simply react scaring me and up my arms and spreading forward to contain the attack and avert the threat, even by accident I will be able to intercept or stop the same aggression in over 80% of cases of quickly and effectively. In short, as Tony Blauer "Physiology Queen" says What prefer ?.

The reality of street fighting is very dangerous, violent, rapid, unregulated and very chaotic. In addition, the attacker always has the initiative and uses surprise to try to reach his victim (dam) for assault. It is not a fight arranged and the mat will be asphalt, concrete, grass or gravel, it can be dry, wet or sloping. The fight will be a very short distance as in an elevator, a flight of stairs or a corner in any structure. On the street you may operate two or more opponents willing to kill if necessary and they do not give a damn if that happens. Try to isolate the criminal act or when you are alone. Perhaps you are in the company of loved ones, more or weak people, which will make your decision making a very complex and hard if you are not properly prepared process.

In another aspect, the Self Defense proposed a goal to know that we are reaching the control and a clear victory over our or our opponents, CUSAR INJURY. In the Martial Arts injury is an accident, in self defense, depending on the level of force or violence required to survive, injuring the opponent is a target for causing physical and emotional shock to damage: a) The airways; b) the cardiovascular system; c) the skeletal system; e) Central Nervous System; or f) a combination thereof. Expected result: severe shock stun or paralyze our adversary. By the way, do not be frightened, not about killing, it is that you and your family are still alive.

Stun - weaken - escape.

Now, I must explain to you the most important part. It is preparing for combat. In principle, we should be very clear that all fights are dangerous, and that the most dangerous moment in a fight is when the ambush (surprise attack) occurs. It will be essential and necessary to stay alert always and everywhere to recognize the signs of Pre-Contact, announcing the appearance of danger, or the initial actions of rogue, allowing us to react (scaring) and act in time and space sufficient to escape maneuver. DETECT.

For the proposal of the previous paragraph is a fact, you must know human behavior in general, the rogue (with their strengths, weaknesses and ways of operating), and of course know ourselves to know our reality, what tools and what we expect from a situation of urgency, where violence, fear and aggression are the main ingredients. Knowing of strategy and tactics for survival are part of the preparation of those who are serious about self-defense.

In short, self-defense and martial arts today are very different things. It is very important to understand their approach and avoid in any case develop a false sense of security proposals in theory, they are the way, but in reality can become a boomerang that will put them in a permanent latent danger without knowing it.

To defend themselves, they must first give permission to fight for his life and that of their loved ones. Why ?, because it is their right, because the struggle is part of survival. If collaborate with the thief will steal, if they cooperate with the rapist violate, if they cooperate with the kidnap kidnapper and murderer if they collaborate with the kill. Primitivo itself. And is it perhaps that is otherwise ?.

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