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Dim Mak .. The touch of death

Dim Mak translates to "manipulation of points" or "manipulation of the arteries."  The pronunciation of dim mak is an En...

The importance of Kumite

Karate training is linked permanently to the three "K"; Kihon, Kata and Kumite. These form a wheel which is in constant motion, from the Kihon Kata and Kumite this to that is as circular or instruction is properly performed. At present there is a tendency to a linear teaching, where usually partially or completely without a party, or to train the three but putting more emphasis on one of them. This is usually the case where priority is given to the competition due to the rise of sport karate, leading to train more Shiai Kumite at the expense of traditional karate.

Here we hope to a specific part of the three mentioned, the Kumite, which is the training method of defense and attack techniques studied in the Kata.
The Kumite, literally "hand duel" or "assault" is the most spectacular part and perhaps best-known Karate. The word itself is no longer a confrontation with death, as before, but rather a "meeting" where the contrary is an adversary and not an enemy.
There are three distinct forms of Kumite:
- Sport (Shiai Kumite).
- Traditional
- Marcial


It is a duel without being is a semblance of fight, is a degeneration of the original Karate but necessary, to some extent, to study characteristics such as distance, concentration, speed, etc. Although not used to studying late reactions, as in real fight instinct is imposed by force and even technical and naturally sporty competition does not generate the same instincts.
The first championship of Kumite and Kata was organized by the maestroNakayama the October 20, 1957, a date relatively recent, as was not until the death of the master Funakoshique had always been completely contrary to Kumite. Nakayama later realized why the posture of his teacher and began to worry about the impact that could have this kind of championships. He worried that they could lose many of the various techniques of karate by the desire to score points, and also much worse, as the fact that began to emerge other more violent competitions, which would clear the detriment of Marcial contemporary art that teachers had wanted to give a certain spiritual sense, the "Do". Unfortunately Nakayama fears were not unfounded and the first one is a reality, is the second just beginning, time to time.


Traditional Kumite is a search of the way, the "Do" is studied as personal fulfillment. It is a fight between two or more karatekas, he is much more aware that the Shiai Kumite but less than martial.
Kumite training needs of an evolution in his study, any of three ways goes through the same stages of work and understanding what is being done, do not forget that understanding comes mastery.
Traditional Kumite study consists of four phases, namely:

Go-No-Sen: defense and counterattack.
Sen-No-Sen: A simultaneous counter or take the lead. (Tai-no-Sen and I-No-Sen)
Iro-No-Sen: the counter is performed when the intention to attack the opponent has been formulated.
Kokoro-No-Sen: No perceptible fault or one or the other contender. It is impossible to attack and the concentration is maximum.

The work to be done in the traditional Kumite also passes through various stages of learning and training.

The first and most important is the Ippon Kumite, takes place on one step, Tori Uke attacks and defends and counters this with a technique considered decisive (Shimei), it has to be fatal or leave the opposing KO

From this the Gohon Ippon Kumite, Kumite takes five steps and Jion Ippon Kumite, ten steps. These steps are independent, each attack is independent of the others. Uke blocks the first attacks and counterattacks in the last position, stability, power, etc. is studied

The next phase is the study of Sambon Kumite, three steps or three attacks. The study here is different to the other, change the pace. Uke has to adapt to Tori, it attacks again, but Tori Uke defends leaves the defense to repeat again and attack very fast, trying to outflank Uke receding fast counterattacks. The pace is as in the centerline of the Kata Pinan Shodan, first 1 then 2 and 3 followed.
The third phase is the Jyu Ippon Kumite, is as Ippon Kumite but free, without prior knowledge of the attack technique or body that is addressed. Each contestant launches an attack in turn. This form of training is very close to free Jyu combat or Kumite.
From here the working methods involve a high level of expertise, these forms are the Happo Kumite, which is practiced with several opponents. These are placed surrounding Uke, in a circle, taking turns attacking and can not advertise or technical level and attack. The Kaeshi Ippon Kumite, Tori attacks, dodges Uke defends or counterattacks, but Tori blocks it and counters with decisive action. The Okuri Jyu Ippon Kumite, Ippon Kumite if we consider that the counter is decisive, not here. Therefore attacks Tori, Uke defends and fights and Ippon Kumite but considering the counterattack as decisive, there is a moment's pause, Tori fits the counter and takes the initiative without announcing the technique is free. It is very important to stay focused.
And as a final objective study Jyu Kumite or free sparring, here we can say that it is everything from techniques of all kinds both arms and legs, to dislocations, throws, chokes, etc. In short defeat the enemy and what is more important at a time surpass ourselves that is the true and ultimate purpose of karate.


It is true karate, no rounds, no rules between the fighters, it's life or death, those involved are enemies and there is a limited number of participants, which is why in the kata techniques are performed against imaginary enemies many. Self-preservation, peripheral vision, in short, survival is developed. Just keep in mind that it is the original Karate, which arose from the need to defend at a time when wars, looting and assaults were more common.
Fortunately today, except on rare occasions, we are only exposed to these hazards, so that its practice in today's society does not make much sense.

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