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Dim Mak .. The touch of death

Dim Mak translates to "manipulation of points" or "manipulation of the arteries."  The pronunciation of dim mak is an En...

Karate Shotokan

Shotokan (松濤 館 Shōtōkan ?, lit. "School of Shoto") is a style of karate developed by master Funakoshi and his son Yoshitaka (Gigo) Funakoshi.

The shotokan style is considered one of the first schools of karate also organized international style practiced karate over the world. Named after the first dojo opened in 1936 by Funakoshi.
It is characterized by low positions, so a tiger used in the logo.

Currently the style Shotokan Karate Do still occupies a dominant position in the world as it is one of the most practiced styles of traditional martial arts or Gendai Budo. And it has the largest number of practitioners in the various interpretations and federations / associations established by several students of the teacher.

The Karate Do Shotokan is not only regarded by some as a combat sport, but also as a philosophy of life, the teacher Funakoshi based on respect and other principles that have their origin strict philosophy of Confucianism, and Zen Buddhism , referring to the way the medieval Japanese warrior or samurai; which are summarized in the dojo kun, or classroom rules forging practitioner.

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