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Dim Mak .. The touch of death

Dim Mak translates to "manipulation of points" or "manipulation of the arteries."  The pronunciation of dim mak is an En...

Karate Shorin Ryu

The system currently called karate Shorin Ryu was created by Master Matsumura Sokon (Bushi / warrior), but was systematized by his disciple, Master or Ankō Itosu Anko Itosu in various forms or kata; and then it is divided into several variants and schools for several of his students. Several martial artists Shorin Ryu school in its various branches assume the style name makes direct reference to the Shaolin temple as in uchinaiguchi (the language of Okinawa) Shorin shaolin pronounced. However since the master Anko Itosu was secretary of the last king of Okinawa (King Sho Tai), and linguist, shorin name gives rise to several interpretations, one of which says that the syllable "Sho" refers to the royal family Okinawa and "wheel" would be forest, implying the style Sho Forest, King Sho Tai; Likewise another way to read the kanji ideogram, Sho is Matsu, as the name of their teacher Sokon Matsumura. Therefore the claim associated with Shaolin is not entirely true.

According to author and researcher, Bruce Clayton in his text 'Shotokan Secret', the more linear style (Shuri-Te type) as Karate Shorin Ryu, and their direct descendants as Japanese styles Shotokan, Wado Ryu and Shito Ryu, come Chi - a woman Niang Fang, Chinese martial artist creative style crane / white stork or "Bai Pai Hok" also known as style: the crane looking for food / crane in the morning; This in turn was learned To-of Sakugawa, and amended by its Sokon disciple "Bushi" Matsumura combined with his knowledge of: the Chinese linear internal style "hsing yi chuan" or boxing will / mind, and traditional Japanese fencing or kenjutsu style Jigen Ryu (which was itself the fencing style of the Satsuma samurai clan who invaded Okinawa by Portuguese guns, before final incorporation to Japan). Matsumura Sokon was the master Anko Itosu. Who was a teacher in turn: Chibana Choshin (variant Kobayashi Ryu), Shoshin Nagamine (variant Matsubayashi-ryu), Chotoku Kyan (variant Shobayashi ryu) Funakoshi (Shotokan style), Mabuni (Shito Ryu), Motobu Choki (Motobu Ryu style karate), among many others.

This system emphasizes the critical speed, mobility, the creation of power generated by the movement of anteversion of the pelvis, fixed temporary contraction of the muscles of the torso and hip rotation, natural movements, blockades or checks in angle, the penetration of the punches and the elimination of any movement that does not have a specific goal.

The techniques use body parts to hit, as the hands (song, palm, fingers, knuckles ...), feet (heel outer edge plant base or tips of fingers ...), elbows, knees or head. Seeks to concentrate power at a given instant hit, as would the cut or thrust of a sword or katana; this makes different styles of kung fu / wu shu Chinese and Japanese, Hawaiian, or American kempo using usually a multiple and continuous beating.

Hojo undo or supplementary exercises with various implements such as makiwara or striking post, the iron geta or shoes, plus many others also performed.

All currents of Okinawan karate have two "core" katas practiced together before and after each workout: Fukyugata Fukyugata dai ichi and dai ni. "Fukyu" means distinctive, something to be disseminated or shared. "Gata" is simply an alternative pronunciation of "kata" or forms (the letter "k" changes to "g" when the character is preceded by another word or term). That is why Fukyugata be interpreted as basic as promotional kata. The first was developed by Grandmaster Nagamine Shoshin (1907-1997), Hanshi, 10th dan, Matsubayashi-Ryu founder of Shorin-Ryu style, and the second by the great master Chojun Miyagi (Naha, Okinawa, opened 25 of 1888 - October 8, 1953) creator of the style Goju Ryu Karate.

All variants of the Shorin Ryu kata include several forms or base, as well as other school. The base of the Shorin Ryu forms are pinan, the Naihanchi, the Passai shape, and form Kushanku. These were altered and renamed by other students Ankō Itosu who developed some of the styles of Japanese karate such as Funakoshi, Shotokan style, a Japanese name who gave much of the kata, besides the methodological change for learning some as the 5 Pinan kata, Heian renowned.

Training methods vary depending on the purpose of the class. A basic session usually consists of 25-30 minute warm up, doing deep emphasis on heating joints, intensive exercises passive and active stretching. The class generally consists of basic movements, forms or kata, and sparring, ending with the training of physical condition by training exercises self-loading (military calisthenics and gymnastics), and endurance strength of the trunk, legs, arms and hands, and several exercises for flexibility.

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