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Dim Mak .. The touch of death

Dim Mak translates to "manipulation of points" or "manipulation of the arteries."  The pronunciation of dim mak is an En...

Efective Defense against pistol and firearms

Defenses against threats with firearms ....

Basic principles of how to neutralize a gun threat ...

1.- Redirect and avoid the line of fire.
2.- Control of the weapon.
3. Neutralize the attacker effectively.
4.- Disarm of the aggressor.

Other principles and recommendations in neutralizing a threat with a firearm:

- When redirecting attention around you, the line of fire may affect other people.

- Keep in mind that the person who threatens you probably wants something from you (money, cell phone, etc. Life comes first, analyze the situation !!!!

-The best moment to act is when the aggressor is slightly distracted (this is giving you orders or answering a question addressed to him)

"The direction in which the gun points is what we call the line of fire.

-Work your defensive techniques as realistic as possible in a situation of risk (low light, threats with pushes, some object that stands between the attacker and you, etc.)

Other considerations…..

Having a minimum of knowledge in weapon technology, we commonly have two well-differentiated types of small arms (revolver and pistol) ...

You can only execute an effective defense at a short distance, 50 to 60 centimeters at the most.

As important data should be said that the maneuvers of defense that are practiced in the different martial arts are absolutely dangerous for the one who executes them; Although they are a possibility of survival. The person who does not know them through a correct learning, prolonged training and perfect psychological mastery of the situation should never try to disarm an aggression with a firearm, because only he will get wounded or dead. In short, it is something that is far from the normal capacity of the untrained and unprepared person on an emotional and mental level. As an annex, we can mention that: Depending on the type of the projectile fired by a short weapon, we can speak of speeds Ranging from 230 to 390 meters per second, which does not give a guideline of how difficult it is to disarm an aggressor who has in his possession a weapon of this type and also add that this individual may be under the influence of alcohol Or drugs, and will not hesitate to shoot at the least movement of the assaulted person.

It should be noted that the completion of any disarmament techniques that you get to train, in reality you should only do it if your life is in serious danger, do not change a cell phone or money for your life .... Meditate on it !!!!.

The seven components of self-defense (Building an effective personal security strategy).

The study of self-defense can not be easily defined with quick, easy, and too simple solutions. The acquisition of a sense of control over one's own personal safety requires knowledge and skills in seven key components. Neglect any of them and your security strategy will not be complete.

Component 1: Survival psychology.

The need to feel safe and secure is rooted in all of us. Many psychologists consider the fear of interpersonal violence in a "universal human phobia". The thought of becoming a victim of a criminal or violent act is unsettling. Unrestrained fear and a sense of inevitability can erode our health and the quality of our lives. Being aware of security does not mean being fearful, paranoid or afraid to leave home. On the contrary, the knowledge and skills of self-defense build a sense of control that is essential to feel safe and well.

The psychology of survival consists of three broad areas:

Understand and control FEAR
Motivate yourself to be "RESPONSIBLE" for your personal safety through training and study.
Understand the impact SELF-ESTEEM has on emotional resistance and response in a situation of danger.
Component 2: Survival intelligence.

The most powerful weapon you have is your brain. Understanding the dynamics of confrontation can be very important in your ability to recognize, prevent or respond effectively to violence.
Survival intelligence is the cultivation of knowledge, intuition, observation of the environment and assessment of capabilities. Every violent situation is preceded by incidents that give clues. Knowing how to recognize and respond to them is the essence of effective personal defense.

Component 3: Understand victim selection.

Psychologists put penitentiary prisoners convicted of violent crimes. The tape showed several people in their daily activities. The prisoners had to indicate to whom people on the tape would select them as victims.
The researchers were surprised at the consistency of the election. An analysis of the results identified unique common traits in all those that were selected and in which they were obviated.
Not everyone will become a victim of a violent crime. In fact, for each victim, there are dozens of people more evaluated and not attacked. Knowing that the first is the selection process, and understanding the criteria of a "desirable goal," you can influence it. People who train martial arts are rarely confronted. Their awareness of the environment and their abilities (movement, position, etc.) project unconscious signals to predators that they are not an easy target. Predators look elsewhere.

Component 4: Recognize Predatory Behaviors.

There are no physical characteristics that separate people who are more vulnerable than those who do not. They are usually the same as any other person. However, their behavior is otherwise. Most of the communication is non-verbal. We transmit much of what we intend to communicate and behave.
There are essentially two types of "bad guys" that need to be forewarned of. The predator, who deliberately goes out to locate, select and attack a suitable victim, and the walking time bomb. The second is emotionally unstable and tends to have violent outbursts. Unlike the predator, which is more methodical in its approach, the time bomb will explode with anyone in its path.
By understanding the methods of predatory selection and attack, you will be able to recognize and avoid them. This involves learning to detect and recognize cues that identify a potential assailant before the selection process is completed.

Component 5: Theory of the response option.

It is dangerous and negligent to imply that there is only one solution to ALL threatening situations. There is, in fact, a range of available answers. The situation and the circumstances will dictate which of them is the most appropriate.
When learning a system of responding, you should also consider the legal consequences of your actions. We all have the legal right to defend ourselves. However, at what point does the response become excessive? How do we know how much force to use to defend ourselves? Any self defense program should address the issue of the legal right to defense, how to respond appropriately and how to justify your actions.

There are five categories of relevant responses in confrontational situations. They are:

Decrease in intensity
Which is the most appropriate depends on the circumstances and the nature of the confrontation. You must possess skills in each category of response as well as knowledge about when to apply each.

Component 6: Prevention tips.

Prevention tips are simple steps and precautions that you must take into account to reduce the possibility of becoming a victim of a crime. However, these lists can list hundreds of things to do or not do.
You're not likely to remember them all. Neither do you need it. If you understand the principles that operate behind them, you can improvise security tactics on the fly. Armed with this knowledge and your common sense, you can incorporate those precautions with which you feel comfortable and that match your lifestyle.

Component 7: Training methods.

The competition results from the combination of your physical condition, abilities and attitudes. Effective self-defense skills are the result of gradually and consistently incorporating safety habits into your daily life. For those who take the time to sign up for a self-defense class, remember that without review and practice, 70% of what you learn will be forgotten.
There are many positive aspects in adopting the study and practice of self-defense in your regime. It can be used to improve fitness, relieve stress, and create safer habits that reduce the potential for being approached or attacked.

Conclusion: Be "responsible" and be safe!

Tutorial video of Defense against pistol and firearms

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