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Dim Mak .. The touch of death

Dim Mak translates to "manipulation of points" or "manipulation of the arteries."  The pronunciation of dim mak is an En...

How to Escape from a Grip - Self defense

The grip is very common in the first contact of a fight, for this reason there are a number of effective techniques against grips wrist, forearm, elbow, shoulder, neck, clothing, etc., which focus on exploiting vulnerabilities body the opponent and cause intense pain to cancel their strength and violence.

Hapkido therefore creates a series of locks or keys to manipulate the joints and catch the perpetrator. They are used
to disarm, control and cause temporary or permanent damage to the
joints. These techniques are also known as joint dislocations or catches in which constant pressure is exerted in the opposite direction to its natural movement; This maneuver causes the tendons,

Video how to Escape from a Grip

Women self defense - How to escape a 2 hand grab easily

Women Self-defense - 1 hand choke against a wall

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